<!-- Include in the head --><link crossorigin rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@clickpesa/payout-widget@latest/lib/scripts/style.css">
<!-- Include in the body --><divid="clickpesa-payout-widget"></div><scriptdeferasync>window.clickpesaVariables = { clientId:"${clientId}", theme: { primaryColor:"${color}", fontFamily:"${fontFamily}", mode:"${mode}" },// optiona; payoutDetails: { amount:10000; orderReference: "1234"; channel: "BANK TRANSFER"// or MOBILE MONEY },// optionalclose: (payout:PayoutCallBackData) => {console.log(payout) } // optional }</script><scriptcrossoriginsrc="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@clickpesa/payout-widget@latest/lib/scripts/script.js"></script>
Dynamic Configuration: Developers can dynamically change the clientId and other properties using the clickpesaVariablesChange event.
Payout Widget handles authentication, where by merchant will have to login within the widget to complete payouts. and signs them out when they close the widget which will send the payout record in the close callback if payout was created.