Hosted Payout

The Hosted Payout functionality enables merchants to generate a payout link that directs beneficiaries to a hosted page where they can initiate payouts.

Flow Overview

  1. Authentication:

    • Before generating a payout link, the merchant must authenticate their application using the process outlined on the Authentication page. This involves exchanging the API key and client ID for an authentication token.

  2. Generate Hosted Payout Link:

    • After obtaining the authentication token, the merchant can generate a payout link by making a POST request to the /third-parties/payouts/generate-payout-url endpoint. This link can be shared with customers to complete payments on a hosted page.

POST /third-parties/payouts/generate-checkout-url

Generate Payout Link

Use the Payout Link:

  • From your system, merchant can, with a click of a button open our hosted link to initiate the payout process.

Listening to Payout Events

Payout Webhooks Events

Querying For Payouts

Query payouts by order reference API

Last updated