The Checkout Link Widget enables the creation of payment links that can be sent to customers, facilitating easy and secure payments.
Copy npm i clickpesa/checkout-link-widget
Copy import CheckoutLinkWidget from 'clickpesa/checkout-link-widget';
function App() {
return (
clientId="your-client-id" // required
primaryColor: "primary color";
fontFamily: "font-family";
mode: "dark" // or light
}} // optional
orderReference: "1234";
orderCurrency: "TZS" // or USD
}} // optional
close={(checkoutLink: string) => {
}} // optional
export default App;
Copy <!-- Include in the head -->
<link crossorigin rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!-- Include in the body -->
<div id="clickpesa-payout-widget"></div>
<script defer async>
window.clickpesaVariables = {
clientId: "${clientId}",
theme: {
primaryColor: "${color}",
fontFamily: "${fontFamily}",
mode: "${mode}"
}, // optiona;
orderDetails: {
orderReference: "1234";
orderCurrency: "TZS" // or USD
}, // optional
close: (checkoutLink: string) => {
} // optional
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
Dynamic Configuration: Developers can dynamically change the clientId and other properties using the clickpesaVariablesChange event.
Copy <script>
const changeVariables = () => {
window.clickpesaVariables.clientId = "Different Client ID"
const event = new CustomEvent("clickpesaVariablesChange", {
detail: {
clickpesaVariables: {
// updated variables
Checkout Link Widget handles authentication, where by merchant will have to login within the widget to create checkout link. and signs them out when they close the widget which will send the checkout link in the close callback if it was created.
Listening to Payment Events