

Applications are essential components within our platform, designed to control and manage the integration process. Developers must create an application to integrate with our services. Each application generates a unique clientID, which is necessary for authenticating and authorizing interactions with our APIs.

Applications also control the features and capabilities that a developer can access based on the selected integration type. During application creation, developers can choose the integration type, select specific features, and configure additional fields such as return URLs and API keys, depending on the integration type.

To create application login with your account on merchant dashboard, navigate to Settings -> Developers, click a Create Application button that will open a drawer. Fill in information about application such as name, integration type, allowed features and return url for such application and submit.

Application configurations


This is a label for the application, helping developers distinguish between different applications in their account. It doesn't need to be unique and doesn't perform any special function beyond identification.

Integration Types

These define how the application will interact with our platform. Developers can choose from Embedded, Hosted, or API integration types.


Features determine the capabilities available to the application. Developers can select specific features, such as payment processing or payout capabilities, based on their integration needs.

Return URL

The Return URL is used in hosted solutions to redirect users after they complete an action like a payment or payout.

Client ID

The Client ID is a unique identifier generated for each application. It’s used for authenticating and authorizing interactions with our platform and is always visible in the application settings.

API Keys

For applications using Hosted or API integration types, API keys are crucial for authentication and performing certain actions, such as querying transactions. Here’s how you manage API keys for your applications:

  1. Managing API Keys:

    • In the application settings, you will find an option to Manage API Keys. Clicking this button will open a drawer displaying a list of existing API keys associated with the application. The list includes:

      • Name: The name assigned to the API key.

      • Last Activity: The date of the most recent use of the API key.

      • Revoke Button: An option to revoke the API key.

  2. Adding a New API Key:

    • To add a new API key, click the Add API Key button. You will be prompted to enter the following details:

      • Name: A name for the new API key.

      • Expiry Date: Select an expiry date for the API key.

    • After filling in the details, save the new API key. A modal will appear displaying the clientID and the newly generated API key. This modal will also include the expiry date.

  3. Viewing and Storing API Keys:

    • The api-key is shown only once in the modal. Be sure to copy and store it securely, as it will be needed for authentication and other actions.

    • The client-id is always visible in the application settings and can be used along with the API key for tasks such as authentication and querying transactions.

Last updated