
In both the Hosted and API solutions, secure authentication is crucial. Developers need to authenticate their applications by exchanging their API keys (client ID and API key) for an authentication token. This token is essential for validating and authorizing all subsequent API requests, whether they are for generating checkout links, payout links, or other API interactions.

Note: Only main accounts will be able to complete any integration actions. Team members will only be able to do within the Merchant Dashboard.


Merchants will be able to login within the widgets to complete their payouts / checkout link creations.

API and Hosted

How it works

  1. API Key and Client ID: Upon creating an application on our platform, developers are provided with a client ID and an API key. These credentials are unique to each application and are used to authenticate requests.

  2. Token Generation: Developers must send a request to our authentication endpoint using their client ID and API key. This request will return an authentication token that is valid for a specified period (currently 1 hour).

  3. Token Usage: The authentication token must be included in the Authorization header for all API requests under the Hosted and API integration types. This token verifies that the requests are coming from a trusted source.

Generate access token

POST /third-parties/generate-token


Last updated